Getting Our Attention
One reason that God allows adversity to come into our lives is to get our attention. Our lives are filled with so many activities, schedules, events, work, and school, that we tend to get caught up in ourselves and lose sight of God. We focus on our self, our family, our careers, and many other personal issues, and we don’t give God the proper place in our lives that He deserves which results in us losing our sensitivity to God. Whatever may be going on in our lives, God is aware of those times when we have become too preoccupied with our own agenda. That is the time when God usually gets our attention. God will use whatever means He chooses to get our attention. It may be adversity, a person, or possibly a song; a circumstance we did not plan for or even a verse from the Bible.
In the case of Jonah, God used adversity to refocus his attention (Jonah 2:7-9). When you are facing adversity God may be trying to get your attention, He may be trying to draw you closer to Him, so you develop a closer relationship with Him. In the end, God has a great plan for your life and something great is in store for you!